Celebrating the 850th anniversary of the passing of Nerses, the Graceful (Patriarch Nerses IV Clayetsi (1166-1173)

On Sunday, the 5th of March, His Holiness KAREKIN II promulgated a special Pontifical encyclical to mark the 850th anniversary of Nerses Shnorhali, the Graceful.

The Catholicos of all Armenians described St. Nerses as “a good shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep” (John 10:11). “Catholicos Nersess IV was a virtuous leader, a bright beacon of hope for our people, and a tireless cultivator in the vineyard of the Lord. His extremely fruitful ministry radiated outward from the Patriarchal See established in Hromkla; even in exile, this blessed chief shepherd strove to ensure that his people’s spiritual and national livelihood would be unified and complete.

His gaze always looked to the fatherland. He ceaselessly sang the praises of Holy Etchmiadzin, the Christ-established spiritual centre of the Armenian people. And he extolled Etchmiadzin’s exceptional importance and significance as the source “from which heavenly rays flow forth to the Armenian Church; … from which the ineffable ray and the shadowless light spread out.”  Saint Nersess Shnorhali’s entire life and activities were focused on glorifying God and the urgent mission of leading the hearts of the people to Him. Preaching to the point of exhaustion, he taught the commandments of the Lord to the faithful: “Arise, sons of light, to bless the Father of Light”; “We cry out the commandments of God as a watchman from a lofty watchtower in your hearing.” The illustrious Catholicos shepherded the Armenian flock during difficult and tragic times, bearing great pain and affliction for many children of our exiled, wandering people. As a father, he offered tender words of counsel to all—from prince to soldier, to peasant, from bishop to priest, deacon and acolyte—thereby strengthening the faith of all and nourishing all with knowledge.”

Nerses the Graceful was an XII century Armenian Patriarch, theologian, poet, and hymn-writer. He is the author of the famous hymn “Aravot Luso.” The confession of Catholicos Nerses is read in the Armenian Churches every Friday, especially during the Great Lent. His letters and communications with Latin and Byzantine Churches are unique documents to uncover the ecumenical relations of the Armenian Church.

The 850th anniversary of the death of great medieval thinker, poet and theologian Nerses Shnorhali has been included in UNESCO 2022-2023 calendar commemorating historical events and anniversaries of eminent personalities.

Click here to read the encyclical in Armenian and English.